- listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival because it reminds me of Mom
- upon further reflection: realizing I still won't listen to the Moody Blues - no matter how much I miss her :) (I'm pretty sure she's laughing at me right now. . .)
- listening to Mormon Channel radio and having "Come Thou Fount" always play at just the right moment
- Auntie telling me she feels Mom around when talking to / helping me with something
- seeing a butterfly when I go out on the deck
- tortilla chips in the shape of Texas
- crossing something off my bucket list
- a 1,300 mile "toad rip" (we all know who to thank for that phrase . . .)
- faith in the Lord's timing
(and yes, my favorite conference talk is from a priesthood session)
- knowing that good things happen every day
i love this lex. you are so great! 'come thou fount' will forever remind me of her.