16 October 2013

books and memories

When I was in middle school and high school I used to sleep with all my books -- not on purpose, it just sorta happened. They'd get piled on, around and underneath my bed as I read them. Each night the mama would come into my room to say good night and "clear a path" because she was afraid I'd kill myself on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. We'd argue -- me saying that I knew exactly where they all were and wouldn't fall, she moving them anyway.

As I was getting ready for bed tonight I looked at the bed and saw this relatively small pile and just remembered.

a cookbook dedicated solely to peanut butter; a cookbook of old-school comfort food; a book that inspired a hallmark movie; a suspense novel; a historical romance; my reference textbook (which I actually enjoy)

It's a good thing the library doesn't charge for library books (at least if you bring them back on time, that is), otherwise I'd be broke. Books are my weakness for sure. It's completely at odds with my frugality. I could probably keep the library in business single-handedly. OK, not really, but I have WAY more checkouts than my co-workers.

Yes, I still sleep surrounded by books, although I do move the computer -- it holds the blankets hostage, after all.

05 October 2013


"I love that moment when I look back on a challenge in my life and realize I'm now at peace with it."

I just barely saw this quote on Pinterest and realized how true it is. There have been so many times in my life where I've gone through a trial only to realize later that I'm OK with the fact that it happened... maybe not happy about it, but OK. 

Reminds me of this... (is it OK to admit that part of the reason I like this are the colors?)