06 February 2014

to sew

I want to learn how to sew... aside from my "Places : UK" board, my DIY style ideas board is my favorite, but I have yet to make anything on there.

I think part of the reason I like looking for DIY style projects is that I'm trying to figure out exactly what my style is and being "vertically challenged" (haha) makes finding clothes off the rack I actually like very difficult.

To be honest, I will always be a simple girl - I don't like drawing attention to myself and comfort is super important to me, but is it impossible to look cute while achieving those goals? Yet another reason I want to learn how to sew.

Two of my favorites right now are labeled as good beginner projects, but they're both knit, which I've heard is difficult to work with, especially for beginner sewers.

This first one is from the blog Four Square Walls. She took a basic t-shirt pattern and lengthened it into a dress. My overly observant brain really appreciates that the stripes are all aligned. At church a couple of weeks ago I was noticing all these girls in striped skirts and dresses and none of the stripes aligned at the sides... drove me absolutely crazy. ;)

The second one, a tutorial by iCandy Handmade, is also stripes... in a maxi skirt. I know, you're thinking, she liked the first one because the stripes matched up??? BUT, I like this one because the stripes are intentionally off-kilter.

Why do I like these? Part of the reason is that they're comfortable. Part of the reason is that they would make great travel pieces (hello London!) - a lot of the museums/churches require that you wear skirts/dresses when you visit. And, plus it will be summer and I'd be spending a LOT of time on buses and trains. AND, they're work-appropriate for the spring/summer (no shorts allowed).