30 November 2014


As much as I love this time of year, it's also extremely painful and I can tell that Satan doesn't want me to focus on my blessings, but that's exactly why I need to.... because the alternative is crying and wallowing in self-pity (but let's be honest, the crying will happen regardless).

In the last three years, I have:

Started (and almost) finished graduate school.

Found a good job (and then got promoted to a better one).

Crossed off two major things from my bucket list.... London and a train ride (from Scotland, no less).

Moved into my own apartment.

Paid off all debt related to mom and her health issues.

Bought a car.

Bought a Vitamix.

Gained a sister (and brothers, but I don't know them as well).

Discovered what an amazing family I have.

Studied abroad.

Gone through the temple.

Found joy in simple things.

And most importantly, I have discovered that it is possible to survive the seemingly impossible.

Thanks to all who have supported, put up with, carried and pushed me while I found my way. I love you all.