Growing up we had this blue velvet-like rocking chair in our living/family room. I'm not sure how long we had it, but it seems like forever. It was a treasure trove of lost change from my dad's pockets - I remember once I found a $20 bill and thought I was so rich. :) And I think he let me keep it too.
But my favorite memory of that ugly blue rocking chair is a story that my mom used to tell me. When I was a baby, she used to rock me in that chair while listening to music. Not lullabies - that wasn't her style. No, she'd listen to REO Speedwagon and Bruce Springsteen while she rocked me in that chair.
To this day, whenever I hear "Born in the USA" and a host of other '70s and '80s songs, I immediately think of my dear sweet mama and that chair. Recently, I started listening to a lot of '80s music on Pandora (my poor roommate!) and I realized how happy I've felt the past few weeks. The memories are sweet. And, yes, I really do like some of the music. :)
(no, this isn't the chair... just a close approximation courtesy of Google; via)