14 June 2014


I just saw this iPad commercial {cheesy alert} about a deaf woman who travels the world and it seriously made me tear up! In 13 days I'll be on a plane bound for London. I'll admit there has been some apprehension mixed with the excitement and some/most of it stems from being "disabled" or "handicapped" or "different" - however you want to label it - but as I watched that commercial, I just had this feeling that it is absolutely the most right thing for me to do right now (well, in 13 days). It's not just about seeing London or crossing something off my bucket list, it's more about being brave and not hiding anymore.

The mama has been on my mind a lot since starting my new job. Every time a "milestone" happens I find myself a little sad because it's so bittersweet - all these incredible things happen or will happen or might happen - and she won't be here to celebrate with me in a tangible way. Even going on this trip is one of those - I'd love it if she were here to help me prepare and do last minute things and take me to the airport, but she's not. And that's really OK because I know she's where she needs to be.

{found here via Pinterest}

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