16 August 2015

I needed to write

Sometimes I feel like I should be over all of it already, but then I remind myself that it's not really something you "get over." And it's okay if I break down and cry once in awhile or if things feel unjust. I just can't let myself get bogged down in it.

I feel like my emotions have been on high alert lately. There is so much going on inside my head. Excited about moving. Missing the parents. Wondering about the third roommate situation. Wanderlust. Wanting to be a librarian. Issues I have no control over. Preparedness. And not really knowing how to deal with any of it.

If I could choose (and this is a knee-jerk reaction), I would know when I'd see my parents again. My wishes for the third roommate would come to pass. I'd take a road trip to Seattle (but not by myself. That's boring.). I'd be able to determine which direction I want my career to go (I never imagined myself as a career person). The issues would be resolved. And the preparedness. No one ever really taught me how to do it, but I think it's an easy fix (time consuming, etc. but not hard)... once I move. 

And this is a cranberry bog. This is what I always think of when I write "bogged down." I'd love to see one in person some day. So maybe a trip to Maine needs to be added to my bucket list. ;)

(from here.)

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