07 November 2013


I love to hide. Love it. Lock myself in my room and just read or browse or something = pure bliss. The one good thing about winter? Besides Christmas and cheesy Hallmark movies? Coziness perfect for hiding.

I read somewhere a long time ago that our bodies' natural sleep rhythms get all messed up because of artificial lights -- when your body should be winding down for the day it gets confused because all the lights are blazing in the house. Kind of makes sense to me, but I'm no sleep expert (obviously -- I'm the worst sleeper ever).

Tonight I'm trying an experiment. I turned off the light and turned on the nightlight. It's pretty dark, with just a warm spot of light right around the nightstand. I put in my earplugs and crawled under the blanket.

(now I admit that the glow from my laptop is probably ruining the effect...)

I'm not really trying to make myself tired or relax (I don't even know what that word means...), but I did want cozy and undisturbed. Earplugs are a wonder, let me tell you. I resisted for years because I thought they'd be a sensory nightmare, but I love them now... pure quiet. I swear, even my inner monologue is quieter with earplugs!

Here's to solitude, peace and perhaps an early night.

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